Months Average duration of staying in the shelter
Children stayed in the shelter in 2023
Women stayed in the shelter in 2023
All women deserve independence and freedom for herself and her children
Women for Women works tirelessly to
break the cycle of domestic violence
Women for Women provides a shelter for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Established in 1977, our brave founders pioneered the first shelter in the country to offer both physical and emotional security for women. The shelter operates around the clock, 365 days a year, welcoming women with unconditional love regardless of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic status.
During their stay in the shelter, women and their children receive compassionate, comprehensive, and professional support aimed at healing and empowering them to transition to new and independent lives within the community.
The shelter is supervised, supported, and primarily funded by the Ministry of Welfare
Women are directed to shelters from across the country by welfare services, law enforcement, and hospitals

Mission Statement
To serve as a safe and empowering haven, offering the best possible solution for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, wherever they may be.
Objective: Empowering women to transform their lives
The shelter and follow up housing program serve as therapeutic community focusing in empowering women in various aspects of life, aiming to construct new, healthy, and secure lives for women and their children. The management committee spearheads the strategy for advancing and expanding the association's mission.
The Board of Directors spearheads the strategy to develop and expand the organizations to fulfill our Mission Statement

Hadar Peled-Tal
Attorney at Law

Prof. Hadas Goldblat
Board Member

Anne Glazberg
Board Member

Orna Blootrich
Board Member

Nurit Naeh
Board Member